Those days are back. Those horrendous days where showers become both indispensable and pointless because when March is as ridiculously hot as it is right now, we are stuck in the just-had-a-shower-but-need-one-again rut. Those horrendous days where movement is far too much effort, and chewing even more so. Even being in Goa over the long weekend…
Strawberry Mimosas (two ways)
If you do insist on consuming food and drink that’s pink/red/maroon/crimson, or anywhere in that colour spectrum this Valentine’s Day, promise me there will be these blushing mimosas somewhere on the menu. I just said ‘blushing mimosas’. Apparently no amount of “I’m above gooeyness” holds true when February 14 finally rolls around. Seriously though, these are about…
Homemade Apple Cider Sangria
What do you do when you really want to curl up with a big mug of warm apple cider but fireplaces and gloves are a ridiculous occurrence where you live? Why, you turn it into chilled sangria, is what you do. And you fill it with fruits and honey and feel all beachy instead of…